Ready for spring cleaning?

Each year when spring comes, we are eager to shake off our winter blues and prepare for the cheerful spring and summer weather. Spring cleaning has become a ritual where we do a good, deep cleaning of our house so we have less to worry about during the nice weather linked here. Your air quality should be a priority during your spring cleaning, so we’ve put together a few helpful points to help with your HVAC.


Change your air filter –

Most air conditioning units use components of your furnace to function, and your furnace air filter is one of those components. Change you air filter regularly to filter out pollens, pet dander, and other airborne particles that are polluting your home’s air.


Tune up your A/C –

Call a professional (like Dave Jones, Inc.) to come make sure that your air conditioner is running properly and there are no leaks in your system. You can minimize your chance of a breakdown during peak demand. Maintenance will also prolong the life of your unit and keep it working efficiently, saving you money!



Use a dehumidifier in your basement –

Humid air is heavier than dry air and will sink to your basement. Without circulation, the humidity can accumulate and create ideal living conditions for molds and other toxins. Using a dehumidifier will remove the humidity. As an added bonus – humid air feels warmer than dry air at the same temperature, so removing humidity will make your basement feel cooler and far more comfortable, making it an ideal escape from summer heat.

If you have some serious humidity to deal with or don’t want to ever worry about emptying a dehumidifier bucket – consider a whole house dehumidifier from Honeywell. These dehumidifiers are installed by professionals like Dave Jones, Inc. onto your furnace and will dehumidify the air as it circulates through your home. Contact Us Form


Clean your bathroom fans –

A steamy shower can leave a lot of moisture in the air and if your bathroom fan isn’t up to the challenge, it leaves a lot of moisture in your house! Take the cover off and clean with warm soapy water. Also, clean the fan blades carefully – and when the power is off!


Get your A/C ready –

Many thermostats use batteries, even though they are wired to the wall. If your thermostat uses batteries, the spring cleaning ritual is a good annual reminder to check or change your batteries. Also, be sure to clear any debris away from the top and sides of an outdoor air conditioning unit, such as winter covers, leaves or grass clippings.


If you are ready to start your HVAC spring cleaning, contact us and schedule your A/C tune up today!

Looking to take the guesswork out of annual maintenance?  Ask your HVAC technician about our Service Partner Plan.


Contact Form

If you need heating & cooling service, HVAC contractors or have questions about our services, please give us a call or fill out the contact form below and be sure to tell us what you need help with so we can have the right person contact you!
Thank you for taking the time to contact us! We hope we can help you with any of your plumbing, heating & cooling and fire protection needs.

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